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Screen Swiper



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Research has found that cell phones carry 10 times more bacteria than most toilet seats. With the Screen Swiper, you wont have to worry about germs or dirty phones!

This 2 in 1 screen cleaner features a 10ml spray bottle along with a microfiber cloth that it goes inside to be able to clean your screen in seconds!

Develop Healthier Habits

Everybody remembers to wash their hands multiple times a day, but many forget about their phone screen. The reason your phone holds so many germs is because it remains warm throughout the day due to how often we use it. The warm environment allows bacteria to grow very easily. Change this today with a Screen Swiper!

How It Works

Step 1

Spray a surface of your choice using Screen Swiper.

Step 2

Use the microfiber shell to wipe your screen clean in seconds!

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