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Aarfie Anti-Barking Device


Original price was: $65.00.Current price is: $39.99.

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What is Aarfie?

Aarfie is a handheld dog correction behavior tool that leverages dogs sensitivity to sound to help you stop unwanted doggie behavior. With a touch of a button your dog will stop barking, jumping, scratching, clawing, yelping, or pulling on the leash. It is 100% safe for your dog and does not cause any harm.

How it works?

Aarfie has 2 specialized speakers at the front of the device. When you press either the bottom “training mode” button or the top “bark deterrent” button, Aarfie emits a sound frequency of 20-25kHz. This is audible to a dog’s ear and is slightly uncomfortable for them. This causes them to stop behaving in whatever manner they were when you pushed the button. Follow up the better behavior with a reward, like a doggie treat, and they will make that better behavior permanent!

Behaviors Aarfie corrects

  • Excessive Barking
  • Unnecessary Jumping / Counter Surfing
  • Yelping
  • Fighting other dogs
  • Biting
  • Scratching
  • Clawing
  • And more!

Other Benefits

  • Aarfie also serves as a protection against other dogs. If you are walking your dog and an aggressive dog approaches you, direct the device towards the aggressive dog and press and hold the top “bark deterrent” button
  • Peace at home; no more waking from naps because of dogs barking
  • Easier to have guests over: you’ll have a handle on your dog(s) and they won’t bark or jump at guests.
  • Works on multiple dogs at once. If you have 2-10 dogs, Aarfie will work on all of your pups.

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