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Lapis Lazuli Third Eye Mala


Original price was: $69.95.Current price is: $39.60.

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Discover the secret tool used by Tibetan monks to unlock powerful mental abilities like clairvoyancy and coincidence control…

Deep within the Himalayan mountains, Tibetan monks have long passed on a secret from generation to generation…

The secret?

The art of creating spiritual malas.

At a simple level, a mala is string of beads used for counting mantras. It is a powerful tool for increasing focus during meditation.

But to the Tibetan monks, a mala meant much more.

Meditating with malas gave the monks the power to hack their brains and access almost ‘magical’ levels of memory and concentration. Some Buddhist monks could concentrate for up to 18 hours without food, water or sleep! Not only that, many Buddhist monks had memory recall comparable to present day world champions in chess, like Magnus Carlsen.

Most of the time, malas were made using wood. However, a famous monastery known today as the Drepung Monastery had a secret to making the most powerful malas in the world. They imported a rare, blue-colored stone from which came on camel-back along the Silk Road, all the way from the Aswan region of Egypt.

According to ancient scrolls kept at the Drepung Monastery, the monks did this because because they believed the stone had a powerful connection to the Third Eye Chakra – the chakra responsible for accessing altered states of consciousness. By meditating with malas made out of this rare stone, the monks of the Drepung Monastery achieved powers which went well beyond what other monks could achieve. They found out that they could access altered states of consciousness at will and gain access to powerful psychic abilities like clairvoyancy and coincidence control.

This stone has a name which you may or may not have heard of – Lapis Lazuli.

Introducing the world’s most powerful Lapis Lazuli Mala built on ancient Tibetan designs and principles

Karma Items has created the world’s first and only truly authentic Lapis Lazuli mala by working in collaboration with the Drepung Monastery of Tibet.

It’s a powerful mala purposely designed to help you train your brain enter altered states of consciousness.

It’s made from all-natural, sustainably-mined Lapis Lazuli from Chile – similar in quality if not better than the Egyptian-sourced Lapis Lazuli originally used by the Tibetan Buddhists monks centuries ago.

It’s received 3500+ 5-Star reviews and is raved about from people from all walks of life, including yoga teachers, entrepreneurs and scientists.

Those who have bought the mala swear that it does what it says it does.

The Lapis Lazuli Third Eye Mala

10,000+ Satisfied Customers And 900+ Five Star Reviews

Designed in collaboration with the Drepung Monastery of Tibet.

Recommended by top meditation and yoga instructors.

  • Activates the Third Eye Chakra to unlock heightened states of consciousness and powerful spiritual abilities
  • Attract good karma and positive synchronicities
  • Traditional Tibetan design
  • All-natural, hand selected Lapis Lazuli stones for mental clarity and intuition
  • Four powerful Dzi beads for protection against bad luck and bad karma
Renowned Healer says “In my opinion, Lapis Lazuli is the most spiritually powerful crystal. It’s the crystal that is best able to absorb spiritual energy.”

This Lapis Lazuli mala is a game changer, whether you are just beginning your spiritual practice, or already years into your spiritual journey. Not including Lapis Lazuli in your spiritual collection means you are missing out. Lapis Lazuli is one of the most spiritually charged of stones, strongly associated with the Third Eye Chakra, responsible for our bodies ability to connect with the metaphysical realm.

7 Easy Steps To Meditating With The Lapis Lazuli Mala

Just six minutes a day of meditation using the Lapis Lazuli Mala will transform your brain for the better. It can be done using a number of simple steps:

  1. Find a clear place to sit and about 5-15 minutes of interrupted time. Take a few deep breaths to center and align yourself with your intention.
  2. Choose a mantra for your meditation practice. A mentra is a word or a sentence that is repeated during meditation.
  3. Start with the mala in your left hand, with your index and middle finger grasping the large golden bead (known as the Guru Bead).
  4. Move the beads through your fingertips one-by-one, breathing slowly with each movement.
  5. With each new bead repeat your chosen mantra.
  6. Do this 108 times, travelling around the mala, until you reach the guru bead once again. This tells you that you have completed a full cycle.
  7. If you want to continue your meditation, instead of passing over the guru bead, simply reverse direction and begin again.

If you are interested in activating you Third Eye, we recommend using the powerful Aum Mantra when meditating.

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