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4 heat settings

-Helpful for pain relief because they increase circulation and, as a result, help to relax cramped or tight muscles. When used to relieve period cramps, Padimals have the same effect on uterine muscles, helping them to relax more.

5 massage therapy settings

Massage therapy is a natural and effective method for alleviating aches, cramps and spasms. It relaxes the nervous system and helps calm muscle pain, aching joints, abdominal discomfort, and even hormonal headaches.

Battery lasts up to 8 hours (on full charge)

This allows for a full day of relief if used withinn 20 minute increments

Portable and lightweight

Finally we can move around on our cycle! Due to Padimals lightweight it is easy to return to physical tasks without having to be tied down in a tub of hot water or a plugged in stationary heating pad.

Can be worn under clothing

Don’t want to be complimented or questioned about your Padimal? Well that’s nop problem! With its lightweight & slim design you can put it under your shirt, hoodie, dress, Etc.

Easy to use!

As shown in the video it’s this easy to strap on & start your new cozy period lifestyle.

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